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The streaming media encoding universe has evolved into a complex space with multiple, 经常交叉的市场. 在这篇概述文章中, 我将确定最关键的细分市场,并讨论每个市场中的一两个关键产品.

My criteria for product selection are unavoidably subjective; in most instances, I chose the products that I knew the best and have worked with the most, 并且知道能够胜任他们预期的任务. This doesn't mean that the products that I didn't choose aren't worthy; rather, it just means that I wasn't as familiar with them as the products that I wrote about.

让我们从按需和实时硬件产品开始, 然后我们的工作方式是软件和基于云的编码器.


硬件按需编码器: 电影《欧洲杯在哪投注app最新版下载》英文名 服务器

随着Envivio, Inc .等行业资深人士的加入.; 数字急流; Cisco; and others, there are lots of worthy products in this category. 也就是说, 选择代表性产品, 基本的服务器, was still an obvious choice; it's the H最快.264编码器 是我测试过的质量非常好的. 使用以下用户 ESPN and multiple Olympic broadcasters, it's clear that I'm not the only one who thinks so.

这款linux驱动的服务器集成了两个六核westmere级英特尔至强(Xeon) cpu和两个NVIDIA Corp .. gpu,建议零售价25950美元. 虽然操作是基于浏览器的, 这个界面有很多内置的逻辑, 包括错误检查, which helps prevent launching jobs that will fail after processing begins. 基本的服务器的去隔行功能非常出色——对于那些分发隔行源素材的人来说,这是一个关键的质量考虑因素. 封闭字幕支持是相当广泛的, including the ability to embed subtitles or create subtitle files (SRT, 重度, 和TTML文件)用于mpeg - 2传输流, 光滑的流, 闪光, 和苹果iOS设备.

服务器 is kind of a one-trick pony; its Windows Media output is subpar, 它不输出VP6或WebM. 但是如果大容量,高质量的H.264编码 is your need, 基本的服务器 should be atop your short list.


The 基本的服务器—the one to choose for high-volume, 高质量的 H.264编码. 

硬件实时编码器: 数字急流 TouchStream

对于这个类别,我本可以有两种选择:选择一个大熨斗, 用于定期或连续广播的本地编码器, or highlight a portable unit for live event broadcasting from the road. 我选择后者是因为我熟悉市场,特别是我选择的产品, 数字急流TouchStream便携式编码器.

所有现场活动制作人都同意的一件事是,当你必须携带设备去参加活动然后回家时,越少越好. Since you can run the shoe-box-sized TouchStream via its touchscreen interface, 这意味着你不需要带显示器或键盘, 就像你对待其他供应商的竞争产品一样.

数字急流提供了广泛的模型,输入信号从复合SD到高清SDI,可以输出H.264, VP6, mpeg - 2, and Windows Media Video in single stream or adaptive streams suitable for 光滑的流, 动态流, 和HTTP直播.

基于windows的软件易于使用和功能, 对亮度进行有用的调整, 对比, 饱和度和色调, 特殊和时间降噪, 音频音量控制. 另一方面, 模板制作软件过于复杂, 但是一旦他们创建了预设, 大多数用户不需要使用这个软件. 最重要的是,H.264 and WMV streams I created during my testing showed uniformly good quality. TouchStream设备并不便宜, 但如果你想要高质量的, 高度便携的现场编码器的道路制作, TouchStream是一个很好的选择.





捆绑软件编码器: 苹果 压缩机4

尽管苹果 Compressor几乎永远都没有真正的功能或界面更新, it's the encoding tool of choice for most Final Cut Pro X (FCPX) editors, 主要是因为成本(49美元).99) and the convenience of being able to export directly from the FCPX timeline. 压缩机的优点包括与所有苹果设备的坚如磐石的兼容性和相对有竞争力的编码时间, 部分得益于苹果的Qmaster, which lets Compressor run multiple encoding instances on multiple core computers. Compressor还提供了一个非常简单的聚类功能, 它允许局域网上的多个用户卸载编码杂务到网络上安装了压缩机的其他计算机.

缺点包括缺乏对H的支持.264高调, 这也许是为什么压缩机的质量落后于其他编码器在更积极的数据速率. compression也采用了苹果一贯的排外观点,即不能在iOS设备上运行的格式, 不支持VP6或WMV. 同样缺乏的是手表文件夹操作, 限制了Compressor与没有安装Compressor的工作组中的其他人共享编码工作的能力.


苹果 Compressor(非常)熟悉的界面. 

Adobe 媒体编码器CS6

日语中的Kaizen指的是在一段时间内对产品进行许多小而持续的改进, and it's the perfect term to describe how Adobe has improved Adobe Media Encoder (AME). Each version incorporates meaningful interface enhancements; in CS5 Adobe simplified watch folder operation and in CS6, Adobe使预设更容易找到和应用. 另外,CS6带来了并行编码,这对那些制作自适应流的人来说是一个巨大的好处.

Many other features make AME the encoder of choice for Creative Suite output, including the ability to export to AME from Premiere Pro and After Effects, 以及直接加载Premiere Pro序列和After Effects组合而无需打开原始程序的能力. 格式支持也广泛与多个预设的闪光, 安卓, 和iOS输出, 在Windows和Mac平台上支持VP6, 和Windows安装上的Windows Media输出. H.264的质量也很有竞争力,手表文件夹可以在工作组中共享使用.

Adobe 媒体编码器CS6

Adobe 媒体编码器CS6 brought improved preset usability and parallel encoding. 

桌面编码器: 索伦森 挤压

索伦森挤压是另一款不断改进的产品. 在版本8中.0, 索伦森增加了对x264编解码器的支持, 比旧的MainConcept编解码器提供更好的质量, 这仍然包括在内. 最新的版本,挤8.5, 增加了对单个文件的加速编码,以及对自适应流的无与伦比的支持, 包括HTTP直播的预设, HTTP动态流, 光滑的流, 和冲, 以及一个万无一失的界面,确保一致的关键帧间隔和音频参数在一个自适应组的所有文件.

索伦森的其他产品也为挤压增添了重要价值. 例如, 挤压 users can send encoding jobs to installations of 挤压 服务器 for high volume, 工业强度编码, with client review and approval and video publishing easily accessible in 索伦森 360. 挤压还输出所有相关的流格式, 包括WebM, VP6, and Windows Media and 中间 formats such as Avid DNxHD and ProRes. 对于大多数流媒体格式, 挤压提供了广泛的配置选项,是理想的压缩专家, 带有预设以简化非技术用户的编码.


索伦森挤压’s adaptive streaming preset for HTTP动态流. 

企业编码器: 谐波的 工作流系统

谐波公司.工作流系统(WFS)是一个包罗万象的工具, on-demand encoder that will retrieve your files from a variety of remote locations; encode them to a range of streaming, 中间, and playout formats; check the files for quality and conformity and deliver them over FTP, HTTP和CIFS. 顾名思义, WFS is a task-based engine that controls multiple other 谐波 modules, 包括ProMedia Carbon(前身为Carbon Coder)和Rhozet质量控制系统(QCS).

长期以来,碳一直是我高容量编码器的首选, 高质量的, 多种格式编码, 尽管与同行相比,它的业绩最近有所下滑. 然而, the ProMedia Xpress software that I recently beta tested was the fastest software-only encoder I've seen by a wide margin; it will likely restore Carbon to the top spot in the near term.

谐波的 QCS program has all the bells and whistles of its competitors, 它既可以用于文件分类和质量控制检查的预编码,也可以用于后编码. 然而, what truly separates WFS from its closest competitors is sheer usability. 虽然可能没有Telestream Vantage那么可编程, 例如, 使用起来简单多了, 对于非技术用户来说,它更容易访问.

在这里讨论的所有类别中, the enterprise encoder market should see the most upheaval over the next few months, 和这个领域的所有供应商一样, 包括数字急流, 谐波, 索伦森, 和Telestream, 发布重大更新或面向企业的新产品. 敬请期待.


谐波 WFS: Creating a workflow with pre-encode and postencode quality control checks. 

直播编码软件: Telestream Wirecast

通常, it only takes about 5 minutes into your first video-only webcast before you start thinking, “天哪, 加上演讲者的标题会很好看," and "What the heck am I going to broadcast during breaks or intermissions?“嗯, you can spend thousands on hardware that can incorporate these elements, 或者你可以购买Telestream Wirecast, 它的起价为449美元,可以为视频添加标题, 播放基于硬盘的视频和很多, 更, 包括在多个摄像头之间切换.

例如, 您可以广播与Wirecast捕获站在同一网络上的任何计算机的屏幕, 对于软件培训或演示来说,这是一个很好的功能. Wirecast还包括实时色度键功能,Pro版Wirecast(995美元)补充了3D虚拟设置. 转播体育赛事? Wirecast Pro还包括一个集成的计分板. 可用于Macintosh和Windows, both versions can produce files for 闪光 and QuickTime broadcasting, 而Windows版本也可以输出Windows Media Video.

Telestream Wirecast


基于服务器的软件: Wowza 代码转换器

Wowza Media 服务器 was one of the first products to transmux incoming H.264 streams into formats suitable for delivery to a range of devices. Wowza代码转换器更进一步, 将单个传入的高质量流转换为多个输出流,以实现自适应流, 最小化延迟. 这为直播制作人解决了两个非常主要的问题, encoding density at the event and limited outbound bandwidth from the event.

Specifically, assume that an event producer wanted to distribute six adaptive streams at 2.5 mbps, 1.8 mbps, 1.4Mbps、1Mbps、600Kbps和300Kbps. This would typically require at least two encoding stations on site, which is expensive and adds to the transportation and setup burden. 将水流排出大楼也需要7个小时.流的出站带宽为7Mbps,加上一些开销.

有了Wowza代码转换器,事件制作者可以广播一个2.5Mbps流到远程服务器,在那里它可以被重新编码成计划的自适应流. 服务器容量可以根据需要增加,出站带宽需求减少66%. 转码流可以使用闪光 RTMP/HTTP动态流作为自适应比特率文件交付, 苹果 HTTP直播, 和Silverlight平滑流, or as single bitrate stream over any Wowza Media 服务器 3-supported protocols.


Wowza代码转换器 lets event producers broadcast a single stream to the remote server, 它可以被重新编码成多个流吗. 

云编码: 编码.com

云编码是大多数读者最不熟悉的类别,老实说,对我来说也是如此. 我曾与几个使用编码的客户合作过.com是我选择的云编码平台,所以我熟悉它的工作流程和编码工具.

In addition to an application programming interface (API), 编码.com works with watch folders, so you don't have to hire a programmer to start encoding. 该服务支持最相关的编解码器和自适应流格式,并在逻辑接口中提供广泛的预置,以便于自定义. 你可以上传一个文件来查看这项服务, 尽管有100MB的限制, 你真的无法测试质量.

说到质量,编码.com's quality and performance compare to other services such as Zencoder? 我真的不知道,因为我没有做过任何对比测试. As upload bandwidths increase and the velocity of relevant formats continues to accelerate, 云编码将变得越来越重要,并将成为我们在未来几个月分配更多审查欧洲杯在哪投注的市场.



本文以“买方指南:编码和转码”的形式出现在《 流媒体 杂志, which will reach subscribers' mailboxes and go online as a full digital issue soon.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


云转码越来越受欢迎,但有时只有专用设备才能做到. For automated video workflows at scale, here's what businesses need to know.


从微型到无限,编码器有各种形状和大小. Here's all the 信息 businesses need to choose the best encoder for their situation.


硬件? 软件? 工作流系统? 各自的优势是什么? 对于那些不确定从哪里开始的人,先看看这里.


Brightcove buys the Bay Area cloud computing company for $30 million; will allow it to remain independent and even power competing services.


Professional-level live video streaming doesn't have to be complicated. Wirecast works with a variety of partners, and it's a pleasure to use.


Yes, there is a way to produce great-looking YouTube videos every time. 请继续阅读专家建议和测试结果.
